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Fennel seeds

Product Description
is a flowering plant species in the carrot family.
It used in cooking fennel is one of the three main herbs used in the preparation of absinthe, an alcoholic mixture which originated as a medicinal.


Scientific Name:(Foeniculumvulgare)
Polypropylene Bags
Paper Bags
25 Kg   –  10 Kg
Capacity per Container:
20 FT: 13 tons
40 FT: 26 tons

Grade: A – Grade: B
Organic –  Conventional – EU Standards



Caraway seeds

Product Description
Caraway is a unique spice long used in cooking and herbal medicine when used medicinally, caraway can be made into a tea or taken as a supplement. You can also apply its essential oils to your skin. Caraway is used as a spice in Foods.


Scientific Name: Carumcarvil
Polypropylene Bags
Paper Bags
Weight: 25 kg – 10 kg
Capacity per Container:
20 FT: 13 tons
40 FT: 28 tons
Quality: Grade A – Grade B
Organic – Conventional – EU Standards



Coriander seeds

Product Description
The dry fruits are coriander seeds. The word “coriander” in food preparation may refer solely to these seeds (as a spice), rather than to the plant. The seeds have a lemony citrus flavour when crushed, due to terpenes linalool and pinene. It is described as warm, nutty, spicy, and orange-flavoured. It is also known as Chinese parsley, dhania or cilantro . All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds (as a spice) are the parts most traditionally used in cooking.


Scientific Name: Coriandrumsativum
small brown seeds
Polypropylene Bags
Paper Bags
Weight: 25kg – 10kg
Capacity per Container:
20 FT:11 TONS
40 FT: 24 TONS
Quality: Grade: A – Grade: B
Organic – Conventional – EU Standards



Sesame Seeds ( Golden )

Product Description
Is a flowering plant in the genus Sesamum, also called benne Numerous wild … The word “sesame” is from Latin sesamum and Greek sēsamon; used as food and flavouring and from which a prized oil is extracted .and it has medicinal benefits …


Scientific Name: (Sesamumindicum)
Polypropylene Bags
Paper Bags
Weight: 25 kg – 12 kg
Capacity per Container:
20 FT: 15 tons
40 FT: 28 tons
Quality: Grade A – GradeB
Organic – Conventional – EU Standards



Sesame Seeds ( White )

Product Description
Sesame seeds are tiny, flat oval seeds with a nutty taste and a delicate, almost invisible crunch. They come in a host of different colors.


Scientific Name: Sesamunindicum
Packing: Polypropylene Bags
Paper Bags
Weight: 25 kg – 12 kg
Capacity per Container:
20 FT: 15 tons
40 FT: 28 tons
Quality: Grade A – GradeB
Availability: Organic – Conventional – EU Standards



Fenugreek seeds

Product Description
Fenugreek is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae, with leaves consisting of three small … Scientific classification edit … Fenugreek is not approved or recommended for clinical use by any governmental health agency. … The English name derives via Middle French fenugrec from Latin faenugraecum, faenum.


Scientific Name: Trigonellafoenum-graecum
light up to middlebrown
Packing: Polypropylene Bags
Paper Bags
Weight: 25 kg – 10 kg
Capacity per Container:
20 FT: 13 tons
40 FT: 26 tons
Quality: Grade: A – Grade: B
Availability: Organic – Conventional – EU Standards



White Beans

Product Description
White Kidney Bean is known to be a highly nutritious source of fiber and minerals, it is now thought to interfere with the absorption of complex carbohydrates (pasta, breads, potatoes, etc.); and as a “starch blocker,” White Kidney Bean is said to be very helpful in weight loss programs.


Scientific Name: Phaseolus vulgaris
Packing: Polypropylene Bags
Weight: 25 kg
Capacity per Container:
20 FT: 13 tons
40 FT: 26 tons
Quality: Grade A – Grade B
Availability: Organic – Conventional – EU Standards



Cumin seeds

Product Description:
Cumin seed is used as a spice for its distinctive flavour and aroma. … In South Asian cooking it is often combined with coriander seeds in a powdered mixture called dhanajeera. Cumin can be used ground or as whole seeds.


Scientific Name: Cuminumcyminum
Packing: Polypropylene Bags
Paper Bags
Weight: 25 KG – 10 KG
Capacity per Container:
20 FT: 13 tons
40 FT: 26 tons
Quality : Grade: A – Grade: B
Availability: Organic – Conventional – EU Standards



Anise seeds

Product Description
Anise is a member of the parsley family and is related to caraway, cumin, dill, and fennel. It is known as anise seed or aniseed.


Scientific Name: (Pimpinellaanisum)
Color: green to Dun yellow
Packing: Polypropylene Bags
Paper Bags
Weight: Kg25 – Kg12
Capacity per Container:
20 FT: 13tons
40 FT: 26tons
Quality: Grade: A – Grade: B
Availability: Organic – Conventional – EU Standards



Black pepper ( seeds)

Product Description
Black pepper is used to make black pepper. This hotly pungent spice is one of the earliest known and most widely used spices in the world today. It is used as flavouring, particularly for savoury foods, meat dishes, sauces and snack foods. It is also used as a table condiment.


Scientific Name: Piper nigrum
Polypropylene Bags
Paper Bags
Weight: 25 kg – 10 kg
Capacity per Container:
20 ft: 13 tons
40 FT: 26 tons
Quality: Grade A – Grade B
Organic – Conventional – EU Standards



Nigella Seeds

Product Description
The mysterious black colored conical shape seeds of Nigella seed or commonly known as Kalonji are beautiful to view and are also full of numerous qualities. It is actually obtained from the onion and are said to be the onion seeds.


Scientific Name: Nigella sativa
Packing; Polypropylene Bags
Weight; 25 Kg
Capacity per Container;
20 FT: 14 tons
40 FT: 28 tons
Quality; Grade A – Grade B
Availability: Organic – Conventional – EU Standards

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